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Happy Father’s Day!

June 21, 2009

Good morning! Happy Father’s Day to all you dad’s out there including my step-dad Dale and boy does he deserve it! I lost my biological father at a young age and my mom remarried in early adolescence and boy do I have to hand it to this guy. He truly became my father, raised me and my brothers and sisters have truly put him though the ringer but he has stuck by us, supported us and offered us many words of wisdom over the years. Go play a game of golf!! Here is a pict of my parents and I as they sent me off to North Carolina which is the adventure I am now on….

I woke up early this morning and have already mopped the floor and had my juice and it’s not even 7am! I got a free Dunkin’ Doughnuts coffee coupon so I think I’m going to over for coffee since I just flicked a bug in the mug I made 😦 EWWW!!! Then I’m off to visit my other “father” aka church! Woohoo, for having two Sundays off in a row! I’m not quite sure what the rest of my day holds, there are a number of things I need to do, want to do, and will probably end up doing, but I’m just going to take it a moment at a time, I think sometime we get too caught up in scheduling and life.

****Thank you to my friend Lane who has been helping me add some flare to my blog and develop the new spiffy header, how do you like?*****

Remember beautiful ladies and lads, we can come before our Higher Power with all our imperfections, fears, and weaknesses!! You are all gorgeous inside and out!


One Comment leave one →
  1. June 21, 2009 9:02 am

    Lovely tribute to your stepfather – Happy Father’s Day to him!

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